







12 p.m. - 1963届同学聚会-贝蒂·多宾斯·海尔曼故居(校长之家)

  • 1963届毕业生将被免费邀请参加我们为您举办的60周年同学会午宴. 前几届的校友也被邀请参加. 请致电校友关系办公室(270)789-5149或电子邮件 amfox@nisancafe.com 资源预留


12 p.m. -金传承俱乐部同学会、午宴及入会仪式-宴会厅

  • Golden Heritage Club会员被邀请参加为今年入会会员举办的年度聚会和午餐, 1973届毕业生! 该课程还将被纳入推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的黄金遗产俱乐部, 哪一个是为庆祝50年或以上的校友准备的. 费用是20美元一个或35美元一对. 1973届的学员是不收费的.


6 p.m. -校友招待会及颁奖典礼-宴会厅

  • 与我们一起参加一年一度的返校晚宴和颁奖典礼. 今年,我们将表彰2023杰出校友以及其他表彰. 门票每张20美元,或者25美元包括一张大学剧院的门票.


7 p.m. -女虎排球校友之夜-高瑟体育馆

  • 出来看你们的女子老虎队和乔治城大学的老虎队的比赛吧. 在下午4点的合资比赛前,排球校友被邀请吃东西和交流.m. 在田野里. 校友将在比赛中获得表彰. 更多信息请发邮件至mgjarman@nisancafe.com.

8 p.m. ——《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》:没有地方比得上家. -校友大楼拉斯莫布利剧院

  • 加入我们,与新老朋友一起度过一个即兴表演的周末! 门票为10美元,将在坎贝尔斯维尔出售.Edu/boxoffice或电话(270)283-0566.


8 a.m.-10 a.m. -返校节家庭早餐-冬季食堂

  • 早点来校园,参观冬季食堂,享用先锋食品公司准备的美味早餐! 喝杯咖啡,与朋友、同学和学生聊聊天! 在参加聚会、奉献活动、游行等活动之前,先享用一顿自助早餐! 成本是7美元.50.

8 a.m.-11:00 a.m. -公关/传播学生工作者聚会-冬季食堂,CEDR

  • 公共关系办公室/大学传播办公室将为以前的员工举行聚会. 将提供早餐,还将有时间向琼·麦金尼(Joan McKinney)从大学退休表示感谢.

8 a.m.-中午-一年一度的返校节车展-蒙哥马利图书馆草坪

  • 擦亮你的车,来参加蒙哥马利草坪的车展吧. 每年都会展出各个时代的经典、传统和肌肉车! 欲了解更多信息,请联系Stan McKinney,电话:(270)789-5035或 somckinney@nisancafe.com.

10 a.m.-午间-校友艺术展-潘斯·乔宁美术馆

  • 我们邀请您来参观这个由多位艺术校友组成的展览!

11 a.m. -返校节游行-主要街道,坎贝尔斯维尔,肯塔基州.

  • 一年一度的返校节游行总是受到人们的喜爱,将遵循传统路线. 选择你最好的地方,享受这个CU返校节的传统!

11 a.m.-1:45 p.m. -返校节-斯塔普草坪

  • 与同学重新联系, 参观你最喜欢的教授或浏览超过100辆经典汽车在斯塔普草坪! 返校节有适合每个人的东西. 充气玩具、气球动物、游戏、食物和娱乐活动将使你的一天与众不同.

11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. -在斯塔普草坪吃午饭

  • 参观斯塔普草坪上的白色大帐篷,与朋友和家人一起回忆美食. 有多种选择和不同的价格,这是一个必须为您的回乡之旅!

12 p.m.- 12:30 p.m. -中大退休人员协会午餐会

  • CURPA的成员被邀请在白色的大帐篷下见面并一起吃午饭! 在这次庆祝活动中,我们将保留几张桌子供团契使用.

2:01 p.m. -返校节足球赛-芬利体育场,公民银行球场

  • 返校节足球赛将在整点后一分钟举行,以纪念已故传奇老虎队教练罗恩·芬利! 比赛将在你们的猛虎队和联合大学的牛头犬队之间进行! 来为老虎队加油,看看谁将成为2023年返校节女王.

7 p.m. ——《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》《推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站》:没有地方比得上家. -校友大楼拉斯莫布利剧院

  • 加入我们,与新老朋友一起度过一个即兴表演的周末! 门票为10美元,将在坎贝尔斯维尔出售.Edu/boxoffice或电话(270)283-0566.




CAMPBELLSVILLE,肯塔基州. 尽管推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站校园里没有成千上万的人参加她2020年的返校节, 该大学的第一个虚拟课程取得了成功, 据阿什利·福克斯说, 校友关系总监.

“尽管今年的返校节我们不能聚集在校园里, 通过我们的虚拟活动,我仍然能感受到我与科罗拉多大学家族的联系,”她说。.

视频和比赛是“Play Paws Rewind”虚拟返校节的“常态”,来自该校的帖子出现在feed中,浏览量超过75,000倍.




2019年同学会于10月11日举行. 17-19 where 萨凡纳格里高利 was crowned 同学会 Queen; Hilda Legg, and Fred and Martha Stein were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award; Phillip Hert and Jana Harston Hert were named Honorary 校友; the Class of 1969 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against the University of Pikeville; the 同学会 parade float winner was International Student Association where Legg served as the grand marshal; a ribbon cutting took place for the new fieldhouse; and the University Theater performed "She Loves Me."




2018年同学会于10月11日举行. 5-6 where Kendra Polston was crowned 同学会 Queen; Dr. Paul and Shirley Lawson were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award; the Class of 1968 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against Bethel University; the 同学会 parade float winner was 居住生活; and military veterans, 包括中大校董会成员. E. 布鲁斯·海尔曼(Bruce Heilman)在仪式上受到表彰,并在游行中担任大元帅.


2017 - 同学会 chooses Rachel Mobley as queen; loses football game in double overtime to Georgetown 31-24


2017年同学会于10月11日举行. 27-28 where Rachel Mobley was crowned 同学会 Queen; Debby and Dave Duda and B.J. 高年级学生被授予杰出校友奖, 和师兄的妻子, 维姬, was named an Honorary Alumna; the Class of 1967 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1957 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers faced off against Georgetown College in double overtime; the 同学会 parade float winner was the School of 教育; and the Car Cruise celebrated its 25th anniversary.


2016 - CU holds ‘最好的蓝草音乐’ 同学会; Lindy Forbes is Distinguished Alumna; Jesslyn McCandless is 同学会 Queen


2016年同学会于10月11日举行. 14-15 where Jesslyn McCandless was crowned 同学会 Queen; Lindy Forbes was awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award and her mother, 贝蒂, was named an Honorary Alumna; the Class of 1966 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1956 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers faced off against Bethel University; the 同学会 parade float winner was the International Student Association; the Tiger Marching Band held it's 25th anniversary and was directed by Dr. 大卫•麦卡洛, the first band director; the Exie Boys performed on campus; and Bluegrass musician Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder held a concert to kick off 同学会 festivities.


2015 - Campbellsville defeats Pikeville; Fyfe crowned 同学会 Queen


2015年同学会于10月11日举行. 9-10 where Mhairi Fyfe was crowned 同学会 Queen; Mary Kathryn Colvin McKinley and B. Wade were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award; the Class of 1965 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1955 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers defeated the University of Pikeville; the 同学会 parade float winner was the International Student Association; the Exie Boys performed on campus and Christian rock band, 雷霆之子, 在斯塔普草坪上演出.


2014 - CU Tigers defeat Georgetown 28-24; Katlin Weeks is 同学会 queen


2014年同学会于10月11日举行. 10-11 where Katlin Weeks was crowned 同学会 Queen; Randy Herron and Reid Brown were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award and Brown's wife, 安妮特, was named an Honorary Alumna; the Class of 1964 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1954 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers defeated Georgetown College; and the 同学会 parade float winner was the International Student Association.




2013年同学会于10月11日举行. 4-5 where Mary Kate Young Rodgers was crowned 同学会 Queen; Ronnie Hord and Pat Save Webster were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award; the Class of 1963 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1953 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers defeated Kentucky Christian University; the 同学会 parade float winner was 居住生活; the Exie Boys performed on campus; and Dr. 和夫人. 肯尼斯•W. 冬天, 1988年至1999年担任科罗拉多大学校长和第一夫人, 参加学生会社团早餐会, 温特斯用抛硬币的方式开始了足球比赛.




2012年同学会于10月11日举行. 12-13 where Emily Shultz was crowned 同学会 Queen; Ron and Mary Lou Rafferty were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award; the Class of 1962 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1952 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers defeated Lindsey Wilson College where the football program celebrated its 25th anniversary; the 同学会 parade float winner was the social work club, SWITCH; the Tiger Marching Band held it's 20th anniversary; and the Car Show held it's 20th anniversary.




2011年同学会于10月11日举行. 14-15 where Katie Kelien was crowned 同学会 Queen; Henry and Sharon Lee were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award and Leo and Laura Weddle were named Honorary 校友; the Class of 1961 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1951 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers faced off against the University of the Cumberlands; the 同学会 parade float winner was the School of 护理; and a 10-year reunion was held for the 2001 football team.




2010年同学会于10月11日举行. 22-23 where Faith Manion was crowned 同学会 Queen; Bill Chandler was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award; Chandler's wife, 吉尔, 及中大校董会成员. 约翰尼•克拉克, were named Honorary 校友; the Class of 1960, 第一届四年制毕业班, were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club and the Class of 1950 held a reunion; the Fighting Tigers defeated Faulkner University; and the 同学会 parade float winner was Baptist 校园部.


2009 - CU 2009返校节皇后候选人


2009年同学会于10月11日举行. 10-11 where Maria Gomez was crowned 同学会 Queen; Dr. 乔•欧文斯, 中大校董会成员, 还有他的妻子, 伊丽莎白, were awarded the Distinguished 校友 Award; the Class of 1959 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against the University of Virginia; the 同学会 parade float winner was Sigma Zeta; and The Girondees, 最初在科罗拉多大学成立的乐队, 41年来首次与所有乐队成员一起演出.




2008年同学会于10月11日举行. 3-4 where Cheris Evans was crowned 同学会 Queen; Rev. Jim McKinley was awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award; the Class of 1958 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against Shorter College; the 同学会 parade float winner was the School of 音乐; and magician David Garrard held a magic show during the 同学会 Banquet.




2007年同学会于10月11日举行. 5-6 where Shajuana Ditto was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1957 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against the University of Virginia; the 同学会 parade winner was KEA-SP; and Michael Kelley, 基督教声乐印象派画家, 返校宴会的主讲人是谁.




2006年同学会于10月11日举行. 6-7 where Claryssa Tomaz was crowned 同学会 Queen; Scotty Lane Coconougher Clenney was awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award; the Class of 1956 were inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against the University of the Cumberlands; and the 同学会 parade float winner was Sigma Zeta.




2005年同学会于十月十日举行. 21-22 where Vanessa Cross was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1955 was inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers defeated Cumberland University; and a “100 Years of Sports” event was held.




2004年同学会于10月11日举行. 15-16 where Kaysee Graham was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1954 was inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers defeated Lambuth University; the 同学会 parade float winner was 居住生活; and the Hand Bell Choir celebrated its 25th anniversary.




2003年同学会于10月11日举行. 10-11 where Mary Beth England was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1953 was inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; and the Fighting Tigers faced off against Belhaven College.




2002年同学会于10月11日举行. 4-5 where Lindsay Ball was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1952 was inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers faced off against Lambuth University; and the 同学会 parade float winner was Kentucky Heartland 外展.




2001年同学会于10月11日举行. 5-6 where Heather Tapp was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1951 was inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; and the Fighting Tigers defeated Belhaven College.



2000年同学会于10月11日举行. 13-14 where Leanne Quinlan was crowned 同学会 Queen; the Class of 1950 was inducted into the Golden Heritage Club; the Fighting Tigers defeated Kentucky Wesleyan College; and the 同学会 parade returned from hiatus.